Saturday, April 2, 2016

Introducing the Vacuum Assisted Relief (V.A.R.) Concrete Patching Process


Tecvac, Inc. has developed a remarkable process for more permanently repairing/patching concrete!

The Concrete Patching Process utilizes vacuum, and modern Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) material, to produce a concrete patch of superior quality and longevity; especially vertical and overhead surfaces.

Conventional methods of preparation are used to extract deteriorated/defective concrete within the sawcut perimeter of the patch.  These preparations are followed by forming and sealing the entire area to be patched.  After the formed area is sealed,  Tecvac employs the introduction of steam to the enclosed area using its Hydrosattm Process of moisturizing the surface.  Prior to material introduction, vacuum ports are installed at points within the patch area and vacuum is applied; now vacuuming the void, along with the simultaneous introduction of material, eliminates void pockets and honey combing.

By using the versatile SCC material, the result is a superior bonded patch and a finished surface "smoother than a baby's butt"; all with no vibrating or segregation of the material.  In aesthetically critical conditions, the Process can be coupled with our PatchMatchtm color coordination to install a patch which closely matches the substrate.

If you have experienced failure of your patches within a short time after their installation, call Tecvac, Inc. and inquire of our long term warranties available when we patch with

"Leading The Way In New Inovations For The Repair Of Concrete, Masonry and Stone"

Tecvac, Inc.

800 847-9324