Sunday, November 12, 2017



It has been awhile ... and have we been busy!

Tecvac, Inc. continues its leadership and this year celebrates its 20th year; solving problems with concrete, masonry and stone; around the world and around the corner.

In the past twenty years, engineers have  used our award winning vacuum processes to successfully repair the mundane and the impossible.  Josh and I are proud to often hear our technicians proclaim, "If we can't fix it...ain't no sense callin anyone else out."  And it's true...  

Tecvac has completed scores of projects around the world; developed methods and materials to solve unique problems; and provided unmatched service and quality to our clients at value added costs.

Tecvac, Inc.  ...  Here's to another twenty.  


What Do You Do When Concrete Support Beams Crack?
Call Tecvac!

What Do You Do When Concrete Columns Crack?
Call Tecvac!

What Do You Do When Concrete Sheds Its Aggregate?
Call Tecvac!

What Do You Do When Concrete Topping Delaminates?

Call Tecvac!

What Do You Do With An Impossible Leak?
Call Tecvac!

What Do You Do When You Want To Hire An Award Winning Contractor?

Call Tecvac!

800 847-9324